41th Annual Meeting
June 2 – 5, 2024
Knoxville, Tennessee
Plenary Session/Keynote Speakers
- Welcome
Jennifer Franklin, Conference Chair
- President’s Welcome
Julie LaBar, ASRS President
- Keynote: Reclaiming Bloodroot: Appalachian Environmental History toward Regenerative Reclamation
Kathryn Newfont, University of Kentucky
- Keynote: Microplastics and Sustainability
Michael McKinney, University of Tennessee
Matt Drury, Appalachian Trail Conservancy
Sara Klopf, Virginia Tech
ARRI: Forestry Reclamation in Appalachia
Z Griffith, R Homsher, J Chapman, K Gilland, JM Bauman
S Price, L Sherman, J Newman , R Davenport , J Cox , J Larkin, C Barton
Bat Conservation and Mine Land Reclamation
B Snyder, C Barton, M Lacki, S Price, Z Hackworth
- Is this working? The effectiveness of current mitigation strategies for conserving use of abandoned mines by bats
RE Sherwin, DL Waldien
Abandoned Mine Lands (AML): Programs and Projects
M Lautzenheiser, C Kinney
B Drake, G Robson
- The Banning/West Newton Coal Logistics Coal Refuse Pile Reclamation Project Rostraver Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania
EE Cavazza
- Strategic Planning Tools for Abandoned Mine Void Subsidence Mitigation
M Bautz, D Hibbard
Forest and Rangeland Restoration
HZ Angel, KM Andries, FW Harrelson, NL Haan, J Lay, PN Angel
I Kennedy, J Franklin, D Buckley, K Sena
Reclamation Sciences: Broader Conversations
B Schladweiler, Y Chugh
AE Badtke, P Silva, J Micahel
Reclaiming Soils in Appalachia
R Cherwinski, S Liebl
A Hass, R Cantrell
- Classification and land use potentials of two reclaimed mine soils in Virginia
HZ Angel, WL Daniels, RD Stewart, ZW Orndorff, D Johnson, JM Galbraith
Mercury Site Remediation
C. Fontenot, J. Miller, K. Pingree
Urban Restoration
K Sena, C Samuelson, H Dockery
- Botanical index of the reclamation of an urban limestone barrens
DR Holdridge, JA Franklin
CR Samuelson, H Dockery, K Pham, L Moe, K Sena
Soils and Vegetation
M Curran, J Sorenson, T Robinson
Metals in Freshwater Systems
- Implications on Periphyton as a Relevant Methylation Source in Mercury Contaminated Aquatic Ecosystems and its Potential Use as a Passive Sampler
S Dent
OJ Mitchell, LH Olson, RW Nairn
T Musante, M Mayes, K Lowe, A Johs
Understanding and Mitigating Acid Drainage
P Behum, M Spence , J Arruda , R Johnson , C Kiser
- Treating mine drainage in batch: greater efficiency and cost savings
Tasker, B Roman, J Eckenrode, N Himes, H Warner, B Neely, C Denholm, W Strosnider, J LaBar, T Danehy
Tasker, B Roman, J Eckenrode, N Himes, H Warner, B Neely, C Denholm, W Strosnider, J LaBar, T Danehy
Biodiversity and Ecology
- Red Spruce Restoration and Ash Protection on the Appalachian Trail
M Drury
Uranium Mine Reclamation
KD Eckhoff, RK Mann , S Munson, K Walton-Day, JE Hinck, MC Duniway
Mitigating Acid Mine Drainage
S Jamshidifard, N Kruse Daniels
T Danehy, D Guy, R Mahony, C Neely, D Clayton
Remediation and Restoration
- Nature-based solutions linking reclamation, environmental remediation, ecological restoration, and sustainable resource extraction
RW Nairn, DM Dorman, JI McCann, LH Olson, HN Seago, CM Morgan, NL Shepherd, RC Knox
Engineering and Construction
P Beckett, J Lavigne, M Hebert, G Spiers, N Basiliko, O Baudet, R Rochon
Technology for Reclamation Planning and Monitoring
M Curran, B Robertson, T Robinson
L Kijek, C Mollick, N Kruse Daniels, S Teas, N Sullivan
S Keane, P Kinder, M Strager, W Veselka
D Guy, T Danehy , C Neely , L Hauck, R Mahony
- Spatially explicit dashboards as a tool to enhance project management and decision making in reclamation
M Curran
Reclamation in Diverse Settings
- Solar-farm grass establishment on the edge of the Mississippi Delta
W Stark, BR Stewart, JD McCurdy
Hydrologic Applications for Reclamation Challenges
- Metal Loads Accounting at a Legacy Mine Site: The Tar Creek Watershed, Oklahoma, USA
JI McCann, RW Nairn
N Kruse Daniels, J Bowman, RG Riefler
CA Neely, TP Danehy, DA Guy, RM Mahony
- A Study of Groundwater Conditions within the Abandoned Underground Coal Mines of Hanna, Wyoming
J James, D Hibbard, A Schlattmann
International Perspectives
- Community engagement as a key requirement for integrated mine closure. Coal mines in South Africa a Case Study
J Pryor, L Ratsoenyane
J Li, Y Chugh, Z Hu