2022 ASRS Professional Award Winners
William T. Plass Award
This award is the highest honor the Society has and recognizes those in research, teaching, outreach, and administration. The award is given to a person who has distinguished themselves in the field of disturbed ecosystem reclamation at the local, regional, national, and international levels.
No award for 2022
Richard I. & Lela M. Barnhisel Reclamation Researcher of the Year Award
The Richard I. and Lela M. Barnhisel Reclamation Researcher of the Year award recognizes substantial contributions to the advancement of reclamation science and technology through scientific research.
Brad Pinno
Nominated by Richard Barnhisel
Reclamationist of the Year Award
The Reclamationist of the Year award recognizes individuals demonstrating outstanding accomplishments in the practical application or evaluation of reclamation technology. It also rewards individuals responsible for implementing innovative practices or designs for new reclamation strategies.
Richard Sivils
Early Career Award
This award is intended to recognize an early career member of ASRS that is involved in reclamation research, teaching, and/or on-the-ground reclamation practices within academics, regulatory oversite, or in an industry position. The nominee must have been employed in their field for a minimum of three years but not more than ten years.
Abhishek Roychowdhury
Nominated by Jim Gusek
Distinction in Reclamation Award
This award recognizes a specific project in which a company has demonstrated excellence in reclamation design, implementation, and overall success, resulting in the conservation of natural resources and the ecosystem.
No award for 2022
ASRS Memorial Scholarships
The memorial scholarships are awarded in commemoration of deceased ASRS members. They are granted to deserving students from universities, colleges, or community colleges that offer curricula in a scientific discipline directly related to, and leading toward, a profession in reclamation-related work.